[Tools-discuss] mail archive changes
Ryan Cross
2018-08-15 16:36:32 UTC

The latest release of the “new” IETF mail archive, https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/ <https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/>, includes a “Static Mode”. This mode is for those who prefer the MHonArc interface for browsing a list. You can enable / disable Static Mode via the settings menu at the top right. When enabled, the user will see familiar MHonArc style pages when browsing a list. Browse a list by entering the list name in the search field, or selecting a list from the browse page. These pages are cached to improve responsiveness. Also, as an improvement to the MHonArc interface, the URLs include a date part, that can be hacked to jump to a specific month.

Michael Richardson
2018-08-15 18:16:07 UTC
Thank you so much for this feature.
Post by Ryan Cross
The latest release of the “new” IETF mail archive,
https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/, includes a “Static Mode”. This mode
is for those who prefer the MHonArc interface for browsing a list. You
can enable / disable Static Mode via the settings menu at the top
right. When enabled, the user will see familiar MHonArc style pages
when browsing a list. Browse a list by entering the list name in the
search field, or selecting a list from the browse page. These pages are
cached to improve responsiveness. Also, as an improvement to the
MHonArc interface, the URLs include a date part, that can be hacked to
jump to a specific month.
You didn't tell me how you wanted feedback, so I'm reply-all :-)

I first turned it on, did a search for "roll", and yup, it sure looks like
MHonArc to me, and it also seems as fast as Mhonarc.
I then turned off static mode, and I returned to the mailarchive mode,
and I tried a search, but it searched inside that list only (probably the
right behaviour). Wondering for a bit how to search everywhere, I clicked on
"Mailarchive" in the banner, went back to the top level and entered a search
term. (Actually, just accepted a previous search term, which happened to be
a person's name)

I got a bunch of emails from various lists, and I picked one, and then
wondered how to see any thread associated with it. I clicked on settings
and turned static back on, and nothing happened. I looked for links in the
message display, found none.

I then tried a different search term, and found a message in the ROLL
WG, and I then found that I could click on the links at the bottom to
see the thread view. That's AWESOME.

So my only complaint is that if there is no thread, those links do not
show up. (The first message was an ID announcement) It should probably say,
"no thread", and maybe the indicate of how many messages are in the thread
should go at the top of the message (next to Show Headers).

Michael Richardson <mcr+***@sandelman.ca>, Sandelman Software Works
-= IPv6 IoT consulting =-
Dale R. Worley
2018-09-03 23:51:29 UTC
Post by Ryan Cross
This mode is for those who prefer the MHonArc interface for browsing a
list. You can enable / disable Static Mode via the settings menu at
the top right.
I went and looked, and the fonts that mail archive uses are a lot better
than they used to be, but for the life of me, I can't find "the settings
menu at the top right". Even when I run the window out to full width, I
only see "Help" and "Sign in".


Tools-discuss mailing list

Please report datatracker.ietf.org and mailarchive.ietf.org
bugs at http://tools.ietf.org/tools/ietfdb
or send email to datatracker-***@ietf.org

Please report tools.ietf.org bugs at
or send email to ***@tools.ietf.org
Robert Sparks
2018-09-04 01:56:21 UTC
Dale -

You won't see Settings until you log in. The credentials are the same as
for the datatracker.

Post by Dale R. Worley
Post by Ryan Cross
This mode is for those who prefer the MHonArc interface for browsing a
list. You can enable / disable Static Mode via the settings menu at
the top right.
I went and looked, and the fonts that mail archive uses are a lot better
than they used to be, but for the life of me, I can't find "the settings
menu at the top right". Even when I run the window out to full width, I
only see "Help" and "Sign in".
Tools-discuss mailing list
Please report datatracker.ietf.org and mailarchive.ietf.org
bugs at http://tools.ietf.org/tools/ietfdb
Please report tools.ietf.org bugs at
Tools-discuss mailing list

Please report datatracker.ietf.org and mailarchive.ietf.org
bugs at http://tools.ietf.org/tools/ietfdb
or send email to datatracker-***@ietf.org

Please report tools.ietf.org bugs at
or send email to ***@tools.ietf.org
Robert Sparks
2018-09-04 14:26:18 UTC
The ability to change that setting without logging in has been restored.

Post by Robert Sparks
Dale -
You won't see Settings until you log in. The credentials are the same
as for the datatracker.
Post by Dale R. Worley
Post by Ryan Cross
This mode is for those who prefer the MHonArc interface for browsing a
list.  You can enable / disable Static Mode via the settings menu at
the top right.
I went and looked, and the fonts that mail archive uses are a lot better
than they used to be, but for the life of me, I can't find "the settings
menu at the top right".  Even when I run the window out to full width, I
only see "Help" and "Sign in".
Tools-discuss mailing list
Please report datatracker.ietf.org and mailarchive.ietf.org
bugs at http://tools.ietf.org/tools/ietfdb
Please report tools.ietf.org bugs at
Tools-discuss mailing list

Please report datatracker.ietf.org and mailarchive.ietf.org
bugs at http://tools.ietf.org/tools/ietfdb
or send email to datatracker-***@ietf.org

Please report tools.ietf.org bugs at
or send email to ***@tools.i
Dale R. Worley
2018-09-05 02:15:08 UTC
Post by Robert Sparks
The ability to change that setting without logging in has been restored.
Ah, thanks!

I find this interface is a lot easier to use.

Still, the date index page is organized strangely -- it seems to want to
segment the messages by months. E.g., looking at Salud, there's a page
for Aug 2018 (one message), then one for all of 2016 (one message), 2015
(one message), then 2014 (several dozen messages). I seem to remember
MhonArc (sp?) would always give you a couple of hundred messages per
page, so the first date page would contain pretty much every e-mail one

The thread index seems to be segmented by month, or something. E.g.,
How well does it handle threads split across month boundaries?

If I start at
and click on "Date" at the bottom, I don't land on that message in the
date index.
If I click on "Thread" at the bottom, I wind up in the date index.

The URLs for individual messages are still just hashes of some sort.


Tools-discuss mailing list

Please report datatracker.ietf.org and mailarchive.ietf.org
bugs at http://tools.ietf.org/tools/ietfdb
or send email to datatracker-***@ietf.org

Please report tools.ietf.org bugs at
or send email to ***@tools.ietf.org
Robert Sparks
2018-09-05 15:07:17 UTC
Post by Dale R. Worley
Post by Robert Sparks
The ability to change that setting without logging in has been restored.
Ah, thanks!
I find this interface is a lot easier to use.
Still, the date index page is organized strangely -- it seems to want to
segment the messages by months.
By design - creating (or recreating after removing messages) the static
pages that make those up is expensive. This also allows hacking the URI.
Post by Dale R. Worley
E.g., looking at Salud, there's a page
for Aug 2018 (one message), then one for all of 2016 (one message), 2015
(one message), then 2014 (several dozen messages). I seem to remember
MhonArc (sp?) would always give you a couple of hundred messages per
page, so the first date page would contain pretty much every e-mail one
The thread index seems to be segmented by month, or something. E.g.,
How well does it handle threads split across month boundaries?
Try it.
Post by Dale R. Worley
If I start at
and click on "Date" at the bottom, I don't land on that message in the
date index.
If I click on "Thread" at the bottom, I wind up in the date index.
I've passed that on.
Post by Dale R. Worley
The URLs for individual messages are still just hashes of some sort.
Yes, it is a hash. The goal is URL stability, even if messages are
This seems to bother you. Why?
Post by Dale R. Worley

Tools-discuss mailing list

Please report datatracker.ietf.org and mailarchive.ietf.org
bugs at http://tools.ietf.org/tools/ietfdb
or send email to datatracker-***@ietf.org

Please report tools.ietf.org bugs at
or send email to ***@tools.ietf.org
