[Tools-discuss] A "fetch" API for things off datatracker?
Salz, Rich
2018-09-06 17:25:26 UTC
I looked through the summary at https://tools.ietf.org and skimmed some of the archives and couldn’t find anything.

I assume that most of the pages on datatracker are templates, populated at fetch time from a database. Is there an API to fetch those data items? I am working on some scripts (https://github.com/richsalz/ietf-gh-scripts) that could really benefit from such a thing. I am willing to spend time, now and at the IETF hackathon, to help develop this.

Thanks for any input.

Henrik Levkowetz
2018-09-06 17:36:36 UTC
Hi Rich,

There exists one generic API through which all table data can be fetched,
and some additional special-purpose API endpoints. There are notes on
the API here:


Best regards,

Post by Salz, Rich
I looked through the summary at https://tools.ietf.org and skimmed
some of the archives and couldn’t find anything.
I assume that most of the pages on datatracker are templates,
populated at fetch time from a database. Is there an API to fetch
those data items? I am working on some scripts
(https://github.com/richsalz/ietf-gh-scripts) that could really
benefit from such a thing. I am willing to spend time, now and at
the IETF hackathon, to help develop this.
Thanks for any input.
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Tom Pusateri
2018-09-06 17:44:32 UTC
I use this API for the IETFers iPhone/iPad app. Everything I needed is available. I found that I needed to make too many requests to rebuild the links between objects which was slow and asked Henrik/Robert for a meeting API that collected the info I needed for quicker access. They were very helpful and fulfilled this request. So now I use a combination of the tastypie API and a custom one for meeting info. I can provide assistance with the API if you get stuck.

Post by Henrik Levkowetz
Hi Rich,
There exists one generic API through which all table data can be fetched,
and some additional special-purpose API endpoints. There are notes on
Best regards,
Post by Salz, Rich
I looked through the summary at https://tools.ietf.org and skimmed
some of the archives and couldn’t find anything.
I assume that most of the pages on datatracker are templates,
populated at fetch time from a database. Is there an API to fetch
those data items? I am working on some scripts
(https://github.com/richsalz/ietf-gh-scripts) that could really
benefit from such a thing. I am willing to spend time, now and at
the IETF hackathon, to help develop this.
Thanks for any input.
Tools-discuss mailing list
Please report datatracker.ietf.org and mailarchive.ietf.org
bugs at http://tools.ietf.org/tools/ietfdb
Please report tools.ietf.org bugs at
Tools-discuss mailing list

Please report datatracker.ietf.org and mailarchive.ietf.org
bugs at http://tools.ietf.org/tools/ietfdb
or send email to datatracker-***@ietf.org

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