[Tools-discuss] definitions and hanging lists in kramdown/markdown
Michael Richardson
2018-08-13 16:16:06 UTC
Many of our drafts have descriptions of things like terminology.
In HTML-speak, we use <DL><DT><DD> lots. In XML it looks like:

<t hangText="someterminology:">some explanation of the term.</t>

To Carsten and other experts:
how do I do this in Kramdown?

This cheet sheet shows using HTML for DT/DD , which I really don't want to do:

I looked at a few other cheat sheets, and I found:

: definition

I didn't find anything at https://github.com/cabo/kramdown-rfc2629/wiki/Syntax

I also opened a ticket.

(I also note that the CELLAR authors are using a different markdown
] Never tell me the odds! | ipv6 mesh networks [
] Michael Richardson, Sandelman Software Works | network architect [
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Tom Pusateri
2018-08-13 16:29:36 UTC
We have been using this with the kramdown-rfc262 tool:


: DNS Stateful Operations.

: a bidirectional byte (or message) stream,
where the bytes (or messages) are delivered reliably and in-order,
such as provided by using
DNS over TCP {{!RFC1035}} {{!RFC7766}} or DNS over TLS {{?RFC7858}}.

: The unqualified term "session" in the context of this document refers to
a persistent network connection between two endpoints which allows for
the exchange of
DNS messages over a connection where either end of the connection can
send messages to the other end.
(The term has no relationship to the "session layer" of the
OSI "seven-layer model".)

It generates this in the XML:

<t><list style="hanging">
<t hangText='DSO:'>
DNS Stateful Operations.</t>
<t hangText='connection:'>
a bidirectional byte (or message) stream,
where the bytes (or messages) are delivered reliably and in-order,
such as provided by using
DNS over TCP <xref target="RFC1035"/> <xref target="RFC7766"/> or DNS over TLS <xref target="RFC7858"/>.</t>
<t hangText='session:'>
The unqualified term “session” in the context of this document refers to
a persistent network connection between two endpoints which allows for
the exchange of
DNS messages over a connection where either end of the connection can
send messages to the other end.
(The term has no relationship to the “session layer” of the
OSI “seven-layer model”.)</t>
Post by Michael Richardson
Many of our drafts have descriptions of things like terminology.
<t hangText="someterminology:">some explanation of the term.</t>
how do I do this in Kramdown?
: definition
I didn't find anything at https://github.com/cabo/kramdown-rfc2629/wiki/Syntax
I also opened a ticket.
(I also note that the CELLAR authors are using a different markdown
] Never tell me the odds! | ipv6 mesh networks [
] Michael Richardson, Sandelman Software Works | network architect [
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Carsten Bormann
2018-08-13 16:32:17 UTC
Signed PGP part
Many of our drafts have descriptions of things like terminology.
<t hangText="someterminology:">some explanation of the term.</t>
how do I do this in Kramdown?
Some terminology:
: some explanation of the term
That wouldn’t work in kramdown-rfc, because there is no HTML in the pipeline.

This would work:

<list style="hanging"><t hangText="someterminology:">some explanation of the term.</t></list>

I have no idea why this needs to be on a single input line, though.
: definition
Yes. Did you try that and it didn’t do what you wanted?
I didn’t find anything at https://github.com/cabo/kramdown-rfc2629/wiki/Syntax
OK, that is recurring on
which has
(I also note that the CELLAR authors are using a different markdown
The syntax for definition lists is not part of Gruber’s original markdown, but it pretty universal now.
What markdown processor are they using?

Grüße, Carsten

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